Saturday, July 2, 2011

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  • gc_lover
    07-03 07:20 AM
    It is good to know that there are a few willing to do something about this!

    But we need more people!

    Even about 50 people is a good start! Come on people... spare a few minutes and take part in this protest!

    Don't go on with your lives as if nothing happened and don't think that nothing will happen!

    Most of us come from the land of Gandhiji... most of us have forgotten what that one little man achieved! But the fact is he couldn't have achieved everything that he did if the people of India didn't believe!

    So start to believe people! You can make a difference!

    Instead, lets "go postal" on USCIS

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  • StarSun
    02-08 09:17 AM
    Thank you KiranKashi, rsamudrala, sundaarpn, tonyhk12

    Total Contributions: $1300
    Contributions needed: $48,700

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  • dtekkedil
    07-05 01:25 PM
    Guys inorder for DOS or DHS or USCIS to get the message they will FIRST and FOREMOST have to understand WHO Gandhi is. For that we will have to attach a few pages of documentation about Mahatma Gandhi. By the time the message gets to the correct person's hands AND he/she understands the true meaning of the message, the person will think we insulted them, coz the the flowers will be dead and dried up and STINKY.

    Folks... the flowers are just one part of the campaign. The other part is where we notify every major news media about what we are trying to do (we will mail them on July 9th). That is where we let people know what we are trying to achieve. The flowers are a means to an end. Something to attract the media.

    We hope that the media will cover this event since it is so unorthodox.

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  • kshitijnt
    05-10 06:35 PM
    Retrogressed all the way to 2000? Happened at the end of Q3 in the government calendar. Seem to me USCIS is laying the ground to assign all un-used visa number to indians in Q4. Just a guess....

    Indians have older PDs than Chinese, so its a fair game if that happens.


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  • franklin
    06-13 01:20 AM
    As far as I can tell from this thread, no one who was eligible to file 6/1 has had receipts yet.

    I was told, attorney / employer will receive notice of receipt for I 485, not employee. For EAD / AP - that goes to employee, not attorney / employer

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  • sankap
    07-09 11:58 PM

    1. From tax standpoint, W2 means the company (which could be fully/partly owned by you) is paying tax-at-source. On 1099, *you* do the taxes and hence the hourly rate on 1099 is typically more than that on W2. In fact, many staffing companies give you the option of working on a project or 1099 or W2. (Of course, the advantage of working on W2 is you can "transfer" your H-1B, if the company is willing to do that. But the advantage of working on 1099 or LLC is that you can deduct your business expenses, as a "Self-employed" or a Corporation.) Yes, you can be an owner of a corporation and file taxes as as a C-Corp or an S-Corp on W2, but not as a "Self-employed."

    2. True, your I-140 petition is for a "permanent" (definition needed) and FT job, since the sponsoring company has (supposedly) an "intent" to hire the petitioner in the future. *But* AC21 provision helps you to change employers after 180 days of filing I-485, if your I-140 is approved. The new job has to be "same or similar" to the occupation your I-140 petition was filed for. The "permanent" intent of the original employer disappears under AC21 because you changed employers (or your original employer withdrew I-140, even though he had genuine "intent" at the time of I-140 filing to hire you in the future). I agree that "any memo (including Yates memo) supplements the existing federal regulations," but the Yates memo gives you the AC21 provision, which was a law signed by Pres. Bush.

    3. It is wrong to *infer* that "AC-21 job must be of same type as I-140/labor job, hence must be permanent and full time." As I say in 2. above, the employer who filed your I-140 should have intent, *at I-140 filing time*, to hire you in the future. And that intent is not needed after 180 days of filing I-485 *and* approved I-140, regardless of whether your original employer continues or withdraws your I-140 petition.

    4. You're wrong in your example of "A job with 6 year contract is a temporary job." I've often seen many "6-month contracts" getting extended to 1, 2, 3 years or indefinitely. Likewise, a "permanent" job may last a few months (e.g., because of a recession).

    5. It is true that "all H-1B jobs are temporary in nature and called guest workers," but H-1B (compared with, say TN-1) is a dual intent visa. Once you file I-140, your intent (whether on H1 or EAD) becomes not that of a temporary visitor but as the one seeking a permanent stay in this country.

    6. Again, it's wrong to assume that "most of full time exempt jobs in this country are permanent in nature." And even if they were permanent, in what sense?

    7. On the link you cite, OFLC Frequently Asked Questions and Answers, the process for filing PERM is explained. The employer needs to fill out the Application for Permanent Employment Certification form. The PERM representation requirement does indeed say that "The job opportunity is for full-time, permanent employment for an employer other than the alien." First, how to judge a job as "permanent?" Second, just because the PERM has the requirement for a FT, "permanent" job, it doesn't imply that the "permanent" requirement would apply to the AC21 law.

    I think we're running into into two issues here. The first one is related to semantics--i.e., what constitutes a "permanent" job? The second one is the *inference/assumption* that, because because I-140 requires you to be on a permanent, FT job (=sponsoring employer has "intent" to hire you in the future), your employment under AC21 provision should be "permanent".

    7. Since you're *not* required to inform USCIS on your job changes, why "file AC21" (and stir things), or advise people to do so?

    Sankap -

    Please allow me to explain this in detail. Please feel free to verify this information with attorney of your choice.

    1. W2 Self Employed simply means that one has controlling equity in the employer company. For example - I am employed by corp that is, in part, owned by me since I hold a % of shares. I get paid on W2, just like any other employee in the corp.

    2. Any memo (including Yates memo) supplements the existing federal regulations. They do not replace them. In any case, memo does not have force of law. In case of contradictory info, memo must "bow" to federal regulations and court rulings.

    3. I-140 is for permanent and full time job only. See Page 5 of

    4. Also, read this. It says 'Permanent Employment'
    OFLC Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (

    5. AC-21 job must be of same type as I-140/labor job, hence must be permanent and full time.

    6. Permanent Job does not mean "forever", It simply means that duration of employment is not known. A job with 6 year contract is a temporary job (since duration is known), hence all H-1B jobs are temporary in nature and called guest workers. A permanent can be terminated at any time, at will, or as agreed notice by both parties.

    7. One is not required to notify AC-21 job, but should e ready to respond to EVL RFE that can come any time.

    8. Most of the full time exempt jobs in this country are permanent in nature.

    Not a legal advice.


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  • kumar1
    01-30 02:03 PM
    Stop spreading wrong information desi!!

    let me add my 2 cents here -

    1. There is no rule that h1 status expires after 1 year of no use. The key word here is h1 status.
    2. If the person is in us, then he/she 30 days to start working on h1 job else apply for change of status (or leave us and re-enter on some other visa).
    3. If the person is entering us on h1 visa, then he/she has 60 days to start working on h1 job.
    4. Within 30 days of start working, person should get his/her first paycheck.
    5. By not working on h1 job, you are out of status since oct 1st. (there is no grace period for out status. However, out of status does not mean illegal presence as long as i-94 date is not expired or uscis has made the determination that you are out of status.
    6. 3/10 year bar applies for illegal presence and not for out of status.

    Good luck.

    not a legal advice.
    Us citizen of indian origin

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  • anzerraja
    07-20 11:04 AM

    We are not sure how to divert the funds already donated to the core IV funds. So at this moment we are only adding up the pledges.

    For this reason, i am not updating your total. But we thank you for your contribution that you made yesterday

    anzerraja looks like i cannot save the XLS sheet
    an u please update it for me

    thanks a lot


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  • stucklabor
    06-26 04:54 PM

    You are quite mistaken if you think I am going to delete your post just because I disagree with you. One of the things that I love most about this country is the Bill of Rights and the First Amendment that protects free speech. I like the idea the everyone can voice their opinions as long as there are no physical threats or intimidation.

    That being said, we run the risk of having a thread venting frustrations against illegals degenerate into an anti-Mexican thread. We have had a lot of publicity, and many reporters etc read our forum to get an idea of what we are about. They can very easily read one frustrated post from an otherwise reasonable member out of context and decide that we are a xenophobic group. I edited one comment from Santosh's post; and deleted a post of Bkam's. Bkam's post, frankly, was offensive.

    As a side note, I have quite the same frustrations against the "perceived" better treatment that illegals get. If you look at our "Parity" memo where we found that undocumented workers can self-petition for green cards and we can't, I co-wrote it. But let us focus on the positives that we bring and move on.

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  • vkrishn
    09-25 12:21 PM
    Mr RSharama, it's 'A's ignorance of the process. He should be aware at the time of starting the Masters that GC is based on the position in the queue ( no body's gives a rat's if the person in front of you is a retard). Porting was legal in 2005 and it is now. there is no change in Law.
    You can't compare porting with labor substitution. For porting, you have to go through the complete process and not just throw some dollars.

    Same logic applies to people who say "I was eligible to file for EB2, but my employer/lawyer forced me to file on EB3".
    It's the ignorance of process, if you are eligible for EB2 .. go join any other company.. it's America .. for God's sake..

    If it doesn't suit me it's injustice.

    "Same logic applies to people who say "I was eligible to file for EB2, but my employer/lawyer forced me to file on EB3".
    It's the ignorance of process, if you are eligible for EB2 .. go join any other company.. it's America .. for God's sake.. "

    Agree.. Most of the Top companies file based on the skill set and Qualification and do file EB2 for people who satisfy that requirement. Its the Desi consulting companies who do all the crappy stuff on earth.

    Top companies file EB2 for M.S Degree holders and thats what the law says. If one employer does not file under EB2 even after you are eligible for it move to another one. If you have the correct skillset you should be able to find another job.


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  • maag
    06-13 09:19 AM
    Do a google on AP with canadian landing and u will see many successful cases. So, tally between the successes and failures.

    did you google it?
    i couldn't find any recent successful story from google.

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  • AK_GC
    02-10 04:32 PM
    Unique Transaction ID #0LL24091H0267991J


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  • rpuja
    08-11 10:15 PM
    I know this not right place to ask this question . Please can anybody tell me how add a new thread.

    Thanks in advance

    Goto then select any thread from the categories and subcategories (like " I-485, EAD/AP application, renewal and related" ) you want. You should be able to "new Thread" button below the threads table. Good Luck. i am not sure why it has been made so tough to open a new thread.

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  • simple1
    05-01 03:38 PM
    Is suing the only option? USCIS could be making unintended mistake. We want to get clarification in a smoother and faster process before the flood gates open in October.

    There should be some other legal-process to get written clarifications/interpretation etc on the law (like some kind of AILA discussion with CIS).

    If our interpretation is correct, how many of you are willing to sue CIS??


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  • tempgc
    07-02 09:15 AM
    My usps status is as below, anyone in the same state ? Don't know when will they deliver it.

    Status: Arrival at Unit

    Your item arrived at 11:38 PM on July 1, 2007 in LINCOLN, NE 68501. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

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  • qasleuth
    02-25 04:26 PM
    Can you make it a sticky note so that the users in all the forums can see the donation stuff and also put on the procedure on how to donate.

    Thats true there are a lot of free riders and unfortunately they actually make fun of the effort and at the same time jumps first to take the advantage.

    Free riders if you are reading this and I know you are, please and please come out of your cheap mentality and donate. You know very well that saving 20$ will not help you build a TajMahal, but donating just 20$ or 50$ will make a huge difference to millions of people INCLUDING YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

    So don't be ashamed of yourself by not donating and donate generously.

    Not sure where you get this philosophy of encouraging people to donate by hurling insults. There is a solid proposal from realizeit which is gaining traction and many people have committed donations. Motivating people by solid proposals rather than silly insults and calls to their conscience by abusing it gets us nowhere.


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  • grupak
    12-16 10:47 AM
    Been in the US since 1998, have an EB-2 PD of 2001, have played by the rules all along. Still no GC... And, the dates are going back to 2000 from the new year.. I've lost hopes...

    I'm pretty close to getting clinical depression because of this game played by USCIS, Labor Dept, FBI and my own bad luck.

    SKILL bill, OMNIBUS, etc. comes and goes. IV does seem to be doing things to lobby for the community, but let's face one reality. Like a news article said, no one in congress or senate wants to touch immigration even with a long pole until 2009.

    The US has been very good to me (other than the GC part), more than my home country (India) which is why I'm still here.

    Have invested too much of time in this country to just pack up and go. Just curious if any of you feel this way? How do you handle such depressing feelings?

    The situation is depressing but I don't intent to accept it laying back. I want to fight it. Years from now looking back I will be happy that I did what I could to fight it.

    IV gives me the framework to fight effectively.

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  • rsharma
    09-24 12:35 PM
    I have no problem with porting, but the priority date should be starting from when they acquired required qualifications for the job.

    Example, if someone with B.S and 2 years experience had applied in EB3 in 2005 and tries to port now I think it is fair to have the ported PD not in 2005, but 2008 when the person acquired B.S + 5 years experience.

    This would automatically address all those folks who deserved to be in EB2 but couldnt either becuase lawyer screwed up or issues with sponsoring company.

    The priority date should be always based on the particular labor filling or the filing of I140 (which ever applicable)

    I am not against anyone getting GC. If everyome gets GC today, I am all for it. But no solution is in sight. But that does not mean someone elase will try to push EB2 back.

    Therefore just wanted to let EB2 guys realize what will happen to them if no action is taken.

    This is very simillar to labor substitution...

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  • kuhelica2000
    01-30 02:37 PM
    You are absolutely right. These frauds need to be stopped. Because of this fraud H1b quota is used up on the very first day and EB3 India has a backlog of seven years. If USCIS weed out all the frauds, I bet the wait for EB3 india will be no more than 3 years.

    You are already out of status as H1 accounts for continuous employment along with regular pay. H1 visa, job and pay go hand in hand. Any one component missing means you are out of status.

    There is no grace period. As the earlier member said, it is a gray area without any specific guidelines. I have seen people stay out of job (status) for 4 months and have used portability or consulate stamp upon getting a new job. It all depends on the IO.

    BTW, did you ever realize how unethical it is to use a consultant for acquiring a H1 visa without actually having a fulltime job? For last 7 years I am on H1 myself and have played by rules� I hate people who false represent the facts for immigration benefits.

    Because of people like you genuine candidates who have legitimate jobs are left out as you guys get lucky in the lottery even though you don�t have a regular fulltime job. My wife was forced to stay at home for almost 3 years because of people like you.. FYI she had a job offer (from a F500 Inc.) but people like you got lucky when it came to H1 lottery. Not just that but people like you give a bad name to legal immigrant community.

    02-09 02:29 PM
    Chantu, sorry to hear about your situation.
    I hopw you find a job soon.

    Here is how you can make the #25 contribution.
    Just sign on to and send money to


    Though I have lost my contract this week and searching for new opportunity, I want to contribute $25.

    But how do you contribute $25? I can see links for $50/$100 etc.


    09-02 06:36 PM
    Try to call them or you may write a letter to them. I really hope and pray you get your EAD card soon. I also had applied in June and received few days ago. Good Luck.
    Thanks buddy! I opened SR, I opened expedite process.....made so many calls but no use. :(

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