Friday, July 1, 2011

Lauren Conrad Style

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  • somegchuh
    03-10 02:39 AM
    A lot of people can give you advice but I think it really comes down to making peace with yourself.

    I have been thru the pain of being stuck in LC for over 4 years and I can completely sympathize with you. I know it can be really frustrating. I have been thru swings of optimisim and pessimism in those 4 years. Ultimately this is what I have realized, there is always a price to be paid in life if you want to achieve anything in life. It is upto each one of us to decide if GC is worth the various years of being stuck in same job, wife being stuck on H4 is the right price for GC or am I paying too much. For me personally, I think I am paying a big price but I am like a businessman who has invested so much money and time in his enterprise that he's afraid to drop the venture and start another business. Actually a lot of us fall in this category.

    So look at it this way. Write down the price you are paying. Figure out if you still want to put your effort (and how much) in trying to get a GC. If you think its a venture that's not worth the outcome, there's your answer! If you think its worth the outcome but you are afraid you still may not get a GC, work on backup plan i.e. evaluate and apply for immigration to other western countries or evaluate and work on a plan to go back to your home country. Knowing the price and having alternate plans will give you peace of minds. More than anything else don't forget to have fun. A lot of times we get caught up in worrying about what might/might not happen in future and don't enjoy the present! Go out with your wife and have a fancy dinner every now and then ... do something spontaneous... Watch movies, listen to music, go bowling with friends ... whatever takes your mind off the routine!

    I see a lot of guys telling everyone who is frustrated saying: Let your wife get her own H1, why don't you buy a house on H1, why don't you have kids? Well, its good to offer suggestions but don't get condescending. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a stable job that they can buy a house. Not everyone's wife is in IT and can get a desi co. to sponsor H1. Not everyone is at peace mentally enough that they can plan children.

    Well, I am TOO depressed about the BEC performance. I know too many people are in same situation but I find myself "helpless" and at least i want to SCREAM......:mad:

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  • maine_gc
    09-24 10:47 AM
    EAD applied on Jun11th approved at TSC. Received cards yesterday.

    To my surprise my EAD is valid for 2 years.

    My PD is Nov 2004 EB2
    I140 pending at TSC.

    I thought 2 year EAD is only for cases that had approved 140. Is it not the case?

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  • mariner5555
    04-30 02:02 PM
    I can tell you there are roughly 100,000 labor applications filed (50,000 EB3) between Aug 2003 and Dec 2003 for EB India category. The reason was everybody wanted to clear thru regular process before PERM takes over. Those Labors filed after Aug 2003 and before PERM started are moved into backlog and are fully cleary last 4 th quarter. And so 90% of those EB3s may be still there (45,000) hanging. EB2s could have been cleared substantially till Dec 2003. It is all my guess work and not sceintific or factual. it is vague and could as well be inaccurate. I know that lot of people from georgia did get their GC's in EB3 with pd ..dec 2003. I am guessing that for many states the dates are similar except for california and NY ..but then there were lot of companies that closed down ..ofcourse labor subs changed things too for the worse. also 19000 visas went to eb3 I ..last year I think. so overall numbers may not be that high till 2004 mid I guess

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  • GCBy3000
    07-19 11:13 PM
    I am in for $100.

    By the way if we have 20,000 members and even if each pledge $5, we can reimburse the core team expenses. How often we have to teach and tell the Math to our so called highly skilled free riders.

    Some should be feeling really guilty for using IV and not contributing till now. Come out the stingy attitude and help.


    Lauren Conrad Style. COPY THE LOOK: LAUREN CONRAD

  • desi3933
    01-30 01:57 PM
    Let me add my 2 cents here -

    1. There is no rule that H1 status expires after 1 year of no use. The key word here is H1 status.
    2. If the person is in US, then he/she 60 days to start working on H1 job else apply for change of status (or leave US and re-enter on some other visa).
    3. If the person is entering US on H1 visa, then he/she has 30 days to start working on H1 job.
    4. Within 30 days of start working, person should get his/her first paycheck.
    5. By not working on H1 job, you are out of status since Oct 1st. (there is no grace period for out status. However, out of status does NOT mean illegal presence as long as I-94 date is not expired or USCIS has made the determination that you are out of status.
    6. 3/10 year bar applies for illegal presence and not for out of status.

    Good Luck.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

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  • hindu_king
    05-08 04:15 PM
    Reeves & Associates (California) has experience filing class action lawsuit against USCIS. His initial consultation fees is $100. For $100, he can at least tell us

    1. if we have a case
    2. if yes, whats the process
    3. whats the cost for lawsuit

    1-800-795-8009 is the number


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  • centaur
    03-09 09:12 PM
    Well said

    Yes, and a lot of people know that there are highly skilled people who are depressed and that takes a toll on employee productivity.

    After all, if 90% of your time is spent on thinking about BECs and visa bulletins, imagine if that time was spent on doing the job they've hired you for.

    Some employers(like Microsoft) realize this and want to do something about it. Its not just about keeping the best and brightest here in USA. Its also about keeping the morale and productivity up.

    As to how to deal with this...try this.

    Call your local congressman's office(Find out info about that from, with your zipcode). Get an appointment with congressman. There is an Easter recess coming up when they would be back from DC.

    Then talk to him about all issues you have. Take all the material you need from the "Volunteer" menu item of this website.

    Doing something about the problem is the best therapy there is. I am not saying this because I want to coax you into meeting your congressman. No. That's not the objective. But I think action is the best remedy for this problem. And there is actionable stuff to do about this. If you are suffering from terminal cancer, then you really cant do anything about that. This is not such a problem. This is a problem for which the solution is out there.

    Somehow, after landing in this country, people lose the appetite for risk and adventure. Before they are in here, they would move mountains to score an H1 or an F1. After coming here, they hunker down, heads-under-the-desk kind of approach. What I am talking about is nearly 200 people right now, who have read this post, but havent logged in. They wouldnt log in. They wouldnt give their real email address if they sign up. They would never contribute. WHY? Because they are afraid. That they will be deported. For no reason. Everything we do is legal, including raising funds and spending it on lobbying. But they are afraid. They are also afraid that by talking to congressmen, they will make them mad and the congressman will pick up the phone, call USCIS and then get their 140 cancelled. Yes. People create their own fastasies and become afraid of them..

    Yesterday, nearly 2000 Irish illegals went to capitol hill and talked to various lawmakers to lobby for CIR and legalization. They were illegals. Yet, the somehow managed to walk into the building where laws of this country are made, talk to people who make the laws that they have broken, go thru Capitol Hill security check, and look into the eye of the lawmaker and talk to them.

    However, our community, this is how they behave. Forget about talking to congressman, or contributing money. When they call the core group with a question, they block the caller id can call. Dont disclose their name too. Ask a questions and then quickely hang up. Some of them want to contribute with cash because they are not willing to believe us that we are doing everything legal here and its their right to lobbying and petition the Government for problems.

    After paying taxes, after following all immigration laws, after getting all the education in the world to become "Highly skilled", the highly skilled cant bring themselves to stand-up with a straight spine, thump their desk and talk to their lawmaker.

    So at the end of the day, if we are depressed that legals dont get attention, then you know where to look for blame : the highly skilled who are highly educated and too afraid because their education and skills make them think too much and analyze too much, and they are afraid all the time.

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  • caforum2
    06-18 12:19 PM
    Mailed to NSC on: 1st June
    Mailed From State: IL
    Received at NSC on: June 2nd
    receipt date: June 4th
    140 approved from : NSC
    Receipt Date : June 16th
    Cashed on June 16th
    Receipt recedived on June 18th


    Lauren Conrad Style. We Found: Lauren Conrad#39;s
  • We Found: Lauren Conrad#39;s

  • srikondoji
    07-02 08:38 AM
    Fed-Ex sent today july 2nd.:)

    Note: Iam not sure if anyone should have posted on jun 30 to be delivered on july 2nd. But again, i don't know.:mad:

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  • Lauren Conrad: Beautiful as

  • syzygy
    07-07 12:54 PM
    Yes the core problem is visa numbers. We have been fooled to believe for few days we all are safe and GC retrogression is over without even realizing someone was taking us for nice roller coaster ride.

    When DOS doesnt have a Immigrant Visa available , its just not available.
    DOS made it effective 2nd ,
    "Effective Monday July 2, 2007 there will be no further authorizations in response to requests for Employment-based preference cases. All numbers available to these categories under the FY-2007 annual numerical limitation have been made available. "
    USCIS by law cant accept any applications effective 2nd.

    People whoes H1B applications were accepted on first day and then were rejected , Can they have done something?

    Sir , we are screwed, thats doesnt mean a law is broken

    We need the legislature intervention to make the limit higher.


    Lauren Conrad Style. LAUREN CONRAD STYLE

  • krish.d.rao
    12-18 06:01 PM
    I too have been in this country since 1998 and have a priority date of 2004 EB-2.
    The one way I cope with the endless stream of bad news from the monthly visa bulletins is by remembering that with every passing day the the reality of having a GC is getting closer and not further. Many times I have contemplated giving it all up and going back to my upper middle class comforts of good old Bangalore, but then I remind myself that I have probably endured most of the pain and quitting at this point is like walking away from a marathon with the finish line only few miles away (or maybe not).
    Comapre your GC wait to a marathon and decide if you are too close to the finish line to give it up or if it is so far away that alternate avenues need to be pursued.
    Admittedly DOS is moving the finish line like a baby brandishing a new toy, but lets be realistic in assuming that EB India priority dates have been pushed much further back than needed. This maybe a knee jerk reaction due to the July fiasco.
    Anyways, all I am trying to say is that hang in there and dont give up. If you still feel depressed seek medical help.

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  • TheOmbudsman
    10-25 04:38 PM
    Most likely the majority of Americans have immigration roots from somewhere, like anybody else. I don't think that would be a compelling argument though. The US allows 1+ million to immigrate here every year.

    Rbharol, what really messed up for us is the high influx of illegal aliens. We, the Employment Base greencard applicants represent a small group. We used to be respected few years ago. We are not visible at all, even when we get stuck. It is understandable that the illegal aliens abused the system and we are paying the price for it. I am sorry but that is true. People generalized and we are now in the middle of this mess. It happens that after I posted this, I found the article below which reinforces my sad perception:

    Does the Workplace Welcome Differ?

    Are Americans more welcoming to Asian immigrants than to Hispanics/Latinos? C.N. Le, who directs the Asian American Studies Program at the University of Massachusetts, calls it "a complicated issue." She thinks that "Americans in general are becoming slightly less welcoming to immigrants in general. Part of it has to do with illegal immigration, but it spills over and affects legal immigrants too. There is always workplace tension between those who gets jobs, and those who get left out."

    Talk about this article and get advice on the Diversity at Work message board.

    Can somebody ask these people (who are opposing immigration), how many of them are kids, grandkids or grand-grand kids of immigrants themselves?

    Will they conduct a poll on it?


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  • marty
    05-30 12:58 PM

    I am little pessimistic about landing as it might be a risk as you are already on AP. I read some people went on AP and come back no question asked. If you would've valid H1B visa, it might be easier. I had valid H1B approval and I use AVR to enter. If I had used AP to go back home, I would've abandoned the canadian PR. Its your choice.

    All the best.

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  • EndlessWait
    04-23 01:41 PM

    there is a definite procedure, we follow it with appropriate paperwork and itll get done.
    only thing is after ur date becomes current. YOU may have to WAKE up the application by using lotta phone calls/infopass/congressman etc.

    a colleague of mine got this done last year. his case was like this. its eb2 to eb2...but
    i think it wud be similar to eb3-eb2

    OLD eb2 labor applied - dec 2002
    eb2 perm labor approved - july 2005
    140/485 for perm labor filed - sept 2005
    140 perm approved nov 2005
    old eb2 labor backlog approved - dec 2006
    140 for old labor approved - jan 2007 ( premium pr)
    succesfully Ported the PD from old to new - feb 2007 ***lawyer charged him 1200 bucks for this effort; i have his details, if u need it***
    then he spent a month or so running around to infopass, ph calls, congresman etc an effort to Wake up the appln.. its like telling, "hey guys, i ported date to old date, so now my PD is current, im right now elig for 485 approval, can u pls do it???"...

    in april, he got appproval for 485, no RFE, card arrived direct in mail.


    god bless


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  • delhiguy
    07-08 08:51 PM
    If that is so, no one who is on H1-b can sue their employer for exploiting them. BTW, I personally know people who have successfully sued their employer (US company) for not paying the salary they agreed.

    Under the special labor law

    U can sue anybody you want dear..

    I am not a lawyer and this is not a legal advice, and i may be wrong

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  • Celebrity Style: Lauren Conrad

  • SleeplessinSeatle
    08-06 05:40 PM
    My I-485 was received by NSC, on Jun 25th. Called USCIS today, they said information is not in system. Lawyer is also not repsonding, if checks are cleared. My previously approved I-140 from TSC has a LUD of 08/05/07.


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  • Devils_Advocate
    03-07 01:14 PM
    You guys can scream, cry, sue, jump, sing, dance whatever, no one is going to touch any country cap legislation or any pro immi legislation till about 2011-12 at least (though i m sure it wont happen then either)

    And they will never allow "no country cap" either-ways, call it unconstitutional or whatever, i am being realistic, they have quota on the diversity visa for a reason they think is appropriate, and they have a quota on the EB system for those same reasons.

    Your only hope to get the "country cap" cleared up is that the Point based system gets through , like the one in CIR 2007, which i am sure will not happen before 2012, if it ever happens.

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  • gc28262
    03-06 04:36 PM
    What pisses me off is that there are 220,000 visa numbers every year for family based GCs while skilled immigrants get only 140,000. Nothing wrong with immigrants wanting to bring immediate family members but this is causing nothing but chain migration. I think USA give more GCs to cab drivers than skilled immigrants.

    That is one of the curses of democracy. Politicians favor vote banks. After all what they care about is the votes.

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  • sankap
    07-10 02:51 PM
    Exactly! And thanks for clarifying that, which is what I've been trying to convey for the past 2 days! In your cook example, though, the cook can be self-employed with no income in a given period (week/month)--and he does not need to line up contracts. His business is "legitimate" and is in the same occupation as on his I140 petition. For an RFE-EVL, which he can write on his business "letterhead," all he needs to mention is his "projected" yearly income as salary.

    Lot of discussion on self employment w.r to AC21. Here is my thought. To use AC21 w.r to self employment one need not open a company. One can even do simple business model (sole proprietorship) in line with the definition of self employment as per IRS. IRS or Labor department is the one defines the �self-employment� not USCIS. Having said that, one should have a legitimate business and paper work and contract to prove.

    Let�s see a simple example. A restaurant applied an I-140 for a cook. This cook wants to use AC21. He need not open a new restaurant and employs himself as a cook. A cook may not afford to open a business. He may not even require registering a business. All he needs is obey the sole proprietorship /independent contractor definition as per IRS and pay all the taxes and do the business as per rule. In this business model, if he lined up few long term contract with two or three big hotels to provide cooking service, or even provide cooked food from his home, and making similar income as per I-140, that will be enough to claim AC21. All he needs is legitimate self employment as per IRS rule, and good paperwork to claim that, in case of RFE.

    Independent Contractor (Self-Employed) or Employee? (,,id=99921,00.html)

    09-13 11:20 PM

    We have thousands here. We take just 1000 people and if everyone contributes 100 dollars - its 100,000 dollars. Just an estimate for lawyer fees incase we get that far

    We are from BHARAT. Its a loaded statement. WE dont lose.

    TOGETHER WE STAND, TOGETHER WE STAND my brothers and sisters.

    It sounds easy..but funding drives are not always easy when reality about starting a spreadsheet with names and ph# of people who are willing to contribute $100 for this lawsuit. As soon as we have the 1000th name, we start depositing money to a bank account. 100 grand is not small amount and I am sure we can find a good enough lawyer to start a lawsuit for that kind of money.

    I and my wife are ready with our 100 bucks each.....and can help with maintaing the spreadsheet etc.... how do we get those 1000 names now....or do we even have support of 1000 people around here...that is the biggest question.

    11-18 11:30 AM

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