Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sports Car Wallpaper 2011

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  • tikka
    05-23 12:15 PM
    Are you using a webfax or a fax machine?

    fax machine

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  • anzerraja
    07-20 10:11 AM
    Yes, we are considering that option. Thanks for the suggestion !

    Also VMH_GC i see that you haven't entered the pledge amount in your original posting. Could you please re enter it, so we can keep track of it.

    Thanks for your help with the spreadsheet thing

    Small suggestion, Please extend this drive until monday, lot of people might contribute on weekend.

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  • jkays94
    06-22 12:17 AM
    Let's start our campaign for our own bill immediately. There is no motive to wait. We should pay lobbysts and ask them to approach lawmakers using the argument that legal immigrants need a relief without waiting for amnesty bills for illegal aliens.

    The same argument applies, why would someone like Dianne Feinstein or other lawmakers who supported CIR because of industries such as agriculture, turn around and support a bill for legal immigrants when they traditionally have been opposed to bills that favor skilled workers ? The reality is that there will be no new bill until after November. I'm being pessimistic with good reason, look at the example that this Senator ( gave regarding a measure that made it to the Senate and collapsed, but they did have success in the house where it passed as they would have wanted it to. What happened in this same case is what has happened to CIR, it got past the Senate but is now facing problems in the house. It goes to show that lobbying even with massive resources does not guarantee immediate success neither is the result what one set out to get, but indeed one is better off lobbying than not lobbying at all :

    18 families worth a total of $185.5 billion quietly financed and coordinated a 10-year effort to repeal the estate tax. The report ( tells how these families spent over $200 million dollars contributing to political campaigns, financing outside lobby groups and trade associations, and creating a massive anti-estate tax coalition that served as the main coordinator of the repeal campaign.

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  • man-woman-and-gc
    09-15 12:15 PM

    I have created a Shared Spreadsheet with the list of people who have pledged in favor of this effort.

    Everyone can view it, but unfortunately, i didn'y think it was ideal for everyone to edit. I will be more than happy to grant Edit access to a few more folks who are willing to help. Also, from security point of view, i think we should add our IV handle instead of real name. Since we have email ID's and ph#, we can be in touch as soon as it it time for action.

    Please keep sending me ur details to add to this list. Remember, we only proceed if we have atleast 1000 pledged members.

    I will keep publishing this sheet from time to time on this thread so people know.

    Please keep pouring in with ur suggestions.


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  • DianaSteve
    03-10 12:27 AM
    I believe when you get a promotion a new H1B has to be filed and that is hurdle in many aspects. Or what if the company is small and there is nothing to aspire for... like me?

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  • obviously
    03-08 08:53 AM
    and reduce your depression!


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  • siaa96
    10-08 01:01 PM
    having been in the US since 2001, losing out my LC/PD to the dot-com bust and finally ending up with a PD of 2006, I second that. PD should be based on number of years of experience or years of stay in the US or amount of taxes paid till now or something like that.

    In any case what we WANT is very different from what we usually get from this immigration system and there are bigger more important battles for IV to fight. Look, if there is no retrogression PD almost does not matter!! THATS the right fix. END RETROGRESSION!

    Being a 2001 PD myself I fully sympathize with you for your trauma and support your notion that the Immigration System should give weightage to the number of years in the US, I do not support the notion of ending retrogression. Given that there are only a finite number of visa quotas, ending retrogression will make the GC a game of Inky-Pinky-Ponky. Either they give it to everyone (all the 800000 that applied) or they do FIFO based on date of entry in the US. If not, the present system of retrogression at least ensures that a person who came into the US in 2007 does not win the Inky-Pinki-Ponky game before a person like me in the queue since 2001. I agree that some extremely unfortunate people like you lose out, but it is still fairer than having no retrogression with the quota limitations in place, as that would be totally unfair.

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  • test101
    07-06 08:53 PM
    This might sound silly to you, but do not do July 21 . It's harry potter final book release no one will pay attention to your protest. I know this sound silly but usually on HP realse book that take all the media attention.


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  • venkygct
    07-20 01:15 AM
    I pledge $100

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  • ychuck
    05-02 11:45 AM
    Is there any thing on EB numbers and contry limit?


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  • chantu
    02-09 02:40 PM
    Thanks Akhil,

    Here are the details:

    Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID #1E592259U64890231) $25


    Chantu, sorry to hear about your situation.
    I hopw you find a job soon.

    Here is how you can make the #25 contribution.
    Just sign on to and send money to


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  • eb3retro
    07-04 10:52 AM
    I'm in very similar situation. My dates were available for June as well. My HR/Attorneys did this long and painful bureaucratic process. We have an internal website which says that my case was �filed� on Jun-29th. Don�t know what the fuck that means. Whether it was sent on 29th or received on 29th? Couldn�t get HR to answer.Don�t have direct communication lines with Attorneys... If it�s sent on 29th, does USCIS take packages on Saturday or Sunday? If they take only on Monday, will they throw it out because it reached in July? Oh well, just have to wait and see...

    exactly the same situation as mine. Attorney was an A#%$%OLE.. gave all documentation on first day of june, and the sucker filed it on June29th reaching USCIS on july 2nd.


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  • mirage
    03-06 04:24 PM
    You are seeing it from a complete 180 degrees than I see it. It's not us who's discriminating, it is the laws which are discriminating. I am asking them to treat us all equal, I entered the country on an H1B which was an employement based application it did not hav any country quota, then why should green cards for EB have country quota. Why should a person from India wait for 10 year and a person from Romania get it in 1 year....I think your ROW friends shold understand our position.
    Your strategy is to go against her own bill to recapture greencards that she introduced for us last year.

    I think this is wrong.

    Recapture is a good option if you want to do it right. Otherwise all ROW will oppose you. How are you different than the guys who open threads against Telgus or EB3 vs EB2 or against Muslims.

    What you are doing is only dividng the community. My collegues who are also IV members are upset reading that someone in IV is pursuing a one point agenda against ROW. We need to stop and think. A lot of ROW are quiet members on IV forum and they will be upset.
    Country caps can only be supported if there is recapture or increase in visa numbers.

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  • zeta7
    04-11 10:48 PM
    Yes, that's exactly what I'm interested in as well: Landed and returned using AP. A first hand account would be great, so far people have only pointed to indirect references, which I'm not saying is useless, but like I said, first hand details would be the best...


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  • go_guy123
    02-02 10:33 AM
    Love India, gave me the best time.
    Came to US for higher education. Love USA.

    Not yet in the GC mess, but if I want to stay here, I will have to get in. (Hoping that the problem will be solved by the time I apply :D )

    Visited India and love the progress. The final act of moving to India is not always GC, money or lifestyle. It boils down to the family one has in India. Having been away from India for long, don't feel comfortable with relatives anymore. Recently lost my dad, who meant everything to me. Can't think of going back to a place where he is not there anymore!

    Good luck to all who decide to go back to India and Good luck to all who decide to stay back in the US.

    Those who have come from India (specifically India born) really need lots of luck , perhaps even a miracle, to prevent their GC boats from sinking.

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  • ravi.shah
    02-03 09:40 AM
    Contributed $50.


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  • alias
    08-18 01:12 PM
    Everybody has been waiting for his/her green card and congratulations to all those who has got their GC. On the other hand it is really unfair and to some extent unethical on the part of USICS not follow a fair system.
    There are several people in 2004, 2005 who have been paitently waiting for their turn only to see that people behind them getting approved.
    Several of us have writtent to Ombudsman, Director but of no avail.
    Not sure what else can be done? Any Idea? Do we have any liaison with AILA who can take up this matter.

    Didn't someone took up the EB3->EB2 porting issue already; can't this issue be clubed along with it? ek teer se do shikar!!

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  • gc_bucs
    03-28 02:08 PM
    Thanks dingudi. If you know of a solid case where someone was RFE'd because of landing while on 485, then it looks like I might seriously consider abandoning it as well.

    One last question: Let's hypothetically say that I do decide to land and somehow manage to get back into the US without any issues using my AP. However, every subsequent time I leave the U.S. and return, I run the risk of getting "caught" at the POE with regards to the 485/Canadian residency conflict. Am I correct in this assessment?

    Again, I appreciate your input immensely. Thanks!

    I landed on March 17, 08 and came back the same day to the US using Automatic Visa Revalidation. I had no questions asked either by Canadian or US authorities. When you land the Canadian authorities will staple a piece of paper to your PP as proof of PR until you get the PR card. While re-entering the US I remove that stapled paper as it was very annoying every time you opened the PP. Nobody will question you just because you have a plan B.

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  • tonyHK12
    02-01 10:31 AM
    I have been thinking in similar lines for quite sometime now. I have decided to wait till September 2012 to see if dates reach my PD which is October 2007.
    If not i am strongly looking at New Zealand too...
    Whats wrong with Canada? I see many don't mention it these days. I guess its pretty decent for technology.

    09-08 10:45 AM
    Had a hard LUD on 9/5 for CPO EB3-I Jan 04 PD
    RD: 7/21 (TSC)

    05-23 10:47 AM
    Sent emails to my state senators and 9 Important Senators .. One of them belongs to my state I will call him up aswell.

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