Saturday, July 2, 2011

Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog

images of powerful Force wielder. Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. File:Starkiller v Gorog.png
  • File:Starkiller v Gorog.png

  • ksita48
    11-18 10:46 AM
    Sent to VA Representatives.

    wallpaper File:Starkiller v Gorog.png Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. the Gorog continued to its
  • the Gorog continued to its

  • desi3933
    06-27 12:07 PM
    Diptam, Don�t leave the employer but force them to terminate you after 160 days of filing I-485. Don't clear any client interview and force them to pay you salary as it is employers job to give you work. Take rest at home on full salary. A time will come when employer will no longer afford to loose any more money and they will terminate you. Also ask for severance package when they terminate you.

    This is not a legal advice just a suggestion

    There could be a clause in the agreement that employee to pay the amount if he is fired due to bad performance. however, documenting bad performance for the employee is real headache for the employer. But still it can be done.

    Not a legal advice.
    Green Card holder since May 2002

    desi3933 at

    Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

  • minimalist
    01-31 01:17 PM
    nousername,If your would-be employer had sponsored the visa,it got selected and then he has to not hire you on Oct1st because of his business not doing so well, what would you do?

    Ideally your employer should rescind your offer and buy you a ticket back home.
    But in the IT industry, that is the reason most people still work with desi employer, even thouh they know that they will be taken advantage of.

    Is it illegal? Yes. But there is a risk for the people involved.

    Also, when someone tries to land H1 for the first time, it is really tough to find an employer who can apply 6 months in advance.Most american companies don't even go through the hassle unless they are hiring for non-IT positions. Then you have companies like Infosys who apply in bunches and keep them ready for the business they are expecting in future. Try and argue with them that they shouldn't do that as many people who have jobs lined up right now will not get H1s.

    In my opinion most people who are on H1 n IT with american companies, either got in there via OPT- H1 or H1 transfer.

    You gotta do what you gotta do. If you keep thinking about all deserving people,you would never take a step forward. At everypoint in life you will have certain options and every option woul cause some or other discomfort. Unless you are involved in clearcut criminal activity, everything else is fair, in my opinion.

    Minimalist.. to begin with, I am not here to judge you or anyone else and I don't think sledge ever had those intentions. Hence, please don't take any of the comments personally.

    The original post by nehas was a question to which almost everyone, including sledge responded, trying to help her. The common answer was that she (not he) needs to switch back to H4 as she is already out of status. My orignal post very clearly indecates the reasons why I believe Neha is already out of status. Here is the link

    After I answered Neha's question, which I know is the correct answer, I asked her a simple question i.e. is it ethical to apply for H1 visa when a person does not have a job offer, especially when the entire legal immigrant community knows that for last few years due to the visa cap it is very hard to obtain a new H1 even if you have a valid job offer.

    I totally agree with you that no one on the face of this earth is a pure saint but ours (legal immigrants) is a small hardworking community, which most often understand each others pains, and that's the reason this forum exist.

    Now, I ask you in the most humble way, what would you have done if your would-be employer had sponsored the visa but due to the lottery your application was never even selected for processing. To top that you learn from all over the world that companies like Wipro, Satyam and desi body shops applied for H1's, which they probably won't even use. Don't get me wrong.. I am a proud Indian and proud what these companies have archived..

    2011 the Gorog continued to its Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. The Force Unleashed II:
  • The Force Unleashed II:

  • alias
    08-18 02:48 PM
    You got that right!, so you are going to help out here or what?

    Nope, never to you, may be if someone comes out with a more communal goal, then may be, I will oppose anything you do...doesn't matter right or wrong. Call it personal or whatever, I respect people who see the big picture and act responsibly..


    Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. With a powerful Force push,
  • With a powerful Force push,

  • rajeev_74
    07-07 10:12 AM
    With H1-B people had some idea that apps might get this case it was a total some people might say miscommunication is not illegal which I strongly disagree...

    When DOS doesnt have a Immigrant Visa available , its just not available.
    DOS made it effective 2nd ,
    "Effective Monday July 2, 2007 there will be no further authorizations in response to requests for Employment-based preference cases. All numbers available to these categories under the FY-2007 annual numerical limitation have been made available. "
    USCIS by law cant accept any applications effective 2nd.

    People whoes H1B applications were accepted on first day and then were rejected , Can they have done something?

    Sir , we are screwed, thats doesnt mean a law is broken

    We need the legislature intervention to make the limit higher.

    Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. the Star Wars Wiki
  • the Star Wars Wiki

  • alias
    08-18 02:59 PM
    No with love and logic... By the way check your PM. Let me know if I am guessing it right about who u are?

    I don't check my PMs, post your questions here on the board.


    Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

  • ronhira
    09-26 07:44 AM
    So EB3 indians are idiots?:D

    so are we..... everyone in eb2...... we r all the same.....

    2010 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. of powerful Force wielder.
  • of powerful Force wielder.

  • logiclife
    05-23 03:17 AM
    This is the easiest action item. Please do this diligently. But please also dont skip the phone calls.

    The phone calls are more important than emails as they have more impact.

    Here is the thread for instructions for phone calls :


    Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. the Star Wars Wiki
  • the Star Wars Wiki

  • akhilmahajan
    02-25 02:23 PM
    As we have so many ideas floating around.

    Let me stress on the fact that what ever we decide to do, we need funds for that.

    Although this funding drive was a bust, but i would like to try it one more time. I request fellow IV'ans to come forward and help in contributing.


    hair The Force Unleashed II: Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. The Force Unleashed II PS3
  • The Force Unleashed II PS3

    03-27 03:41 PM
    SORRY! I am revising my VB Prediction due to typo.

    VB MAY 2008

    EB2 -- Same as april VB (Unless there is any IV Admin Fix)

    EB3 -- Jan 02 OR 01 Dec 01


    Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. Star Wars The Force Unleashed
  • Star Wars The Force Unleashed

  • psk79
    09-18 07:17 PM
    Finally, EAD card ordered on principal application.... Spouse's was ordered and received 9/12. Finally, mine was PRODUCTION ORDERED this evening.... Any others in the same boat, don't panic... they are doing them in random order....
    No word on FP or AP yet.. However, any address changers, make hte online change and they are very fast... I changed my address and the 2second business day I had two letters in the mail saying that the address has been updated on my and spouse's 765 applications.. couple of days later one more that 485 address was updated and after that nothing....

    hot With a powerful Force push, Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. GameSpy: Star Wars: The Force
  • GameSpy: Star Wars: The Force

  • venky337
    11-17 03:05 PM
    Just posted the message


    house L Gorog|Sangue Ricchezza Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. Game review by CH Gorog.
  • Game review by CH Gorog.

  • senthil1
    05-11 07:24 PM
    In countries like Europe people need not come USA just for survival as that is a developed country. Also if they have to wait 10 years to get GC then no Europeans will apply GC as GC is not that much importance. USA will lose them. But it is not the case for indians. If you go out of country then hundreds of people are waiting to take your position in next flight in India. May be in future if Indians also does not bother about GC USA will come and give GC fast.

    Why they are not blaming pakistanis? They are small in numbers. In 1990s Indians also were given warm welcome as the number was small and abuses were less. Now over 40K h1bs plus 50K L1s were given in an year. Total number of H1b and L1 are more than 200k. Even most optimistic survey tells that 100k new high tech jobs are created per year that too in good times . Certainly we cannot deny displacement of US workers by immigrants. Now we started justifying this also by capitilism,globalization etc. But basically future of h1b and any other immigration program will depend on USA people support eventhough politics plays a siginificant role. Can we get support of USA citizens for expanding immigration when economy is severe recession?

    Thats my point. Why are pakistanis getting green cards and nobody is saying they have taken jobs away from Americans? So many come to US on visa free travel, work 6 months undocumented from european countries, yet they are the first to get the GCs while Indians abuse B1, they abuse H1. How come only Indians abuse everything no one else abuses anything?

    tattoo the Star Wars Wiki Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. GameSpy: Star Wars: The Force
  • GameSpy: Star Wars: The Force

  • Viktor
    07-20 12:01 AM
    I contributed $100 to IV just yesterday, I did not see this post before.

    I think its wrong to let someone bear the burden alone for something thats a shared objective.

    Count me in for the pledge


    pictures Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. La batalla contra el Gorog el
  • La batalla contra el Gorog el

  • venkybr
    09-11 11:07 AM
    Anybody, whose application was received on July 11th, signed by K.LAWSON got the 485 receipts ?

    dresses GameSpy: Star Wars: The Force Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

  • pamposh
    08-18 02:11 PM
    Is there anyone who is with me, anyone at all? I need around 15 people to kick this off...

    I am just looking for three things
    a) A letter that we will jointly send to few people. Urging them to follow a fair system.
    b) Talk to your lawyer to discss with AILA
    c) Talk to you chapter leader.

    I have not read your controversial posts others are referring to but about this one, this is a genuine cause and I am with you for this.


    makeup the Star Wars Wiki Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. L Gorog|Sangue Ricchezza
  • L Gorog|Sangue Ricchezza

  • guy03062
    12-11 12:33 PM
    12/10/2006: The President Signed Yesterday Continuing Resolution Bill, H.J. 102

    The President swiftly signed this bill yesterday so that operation of the federal government be not negatively affected nor disrupted. None of immigration-related bills was apparently attached to this bill. When the new Congress returns on January 4, 2007, one of the top agenda will remain pending appropriation bills for various federal departments and agencies, which they should take care of by February 15, 2007. There is a chance that some immigration legislations such as H-1B relief can still be attached to one of these appropriation bills. People may recall that when the Senate-passed S.1932 died not too long past for its failure to pass the House, the H-1B and L-1 Reform Acts were introduced by Rep. Lamar Smith (TX) and the Congress easily passed the bill as a rider to the Omnibus Spending bill! Considering the fact that the business and academic communities can feel urgency more tangibly in the H-1B crisis as an imminent issue affecting their businesses "here and now," as opposed to EB immigrant issue which may be considered a long-term issue, the negative impact of which may be not necessarily imminently visible and tangible as relaed to their businesses "here and now." In this regard, the H-1B legislation can be taken out of the ill-fated SKIL bill and passed earlier than SKIL-type of EB immigration bill or CIR. We will see how things will unfold.

    girlfriend GameSpy: Star Wars: The Force Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

  • isantem
    11-17 03:49 PM
    Done! VA

    Thanks IV

    hairstyles Star Wars The Force Unleashed Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Gorog. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

  • imm_check
    05-05 08:28 PM
    Has any one in the forum here have a FP notice for a 4 and half year child during the 485 process. I ask this question as my daughter did not get one.

    Feedback is greatly appreciated.


    10-13 12:17 PM
    Hi there !
    Just let you know guys, My checks got Cashed today.

    07-11 10:11 AM
    Viceroy Lord Wavell and his assistants laughed when M.K. Gandhi told them that one day they will be forced to leave India. What they did not understood that they were not politicians, they were bureaucrats. When the political power behind peaceful civil disobedience was unleashed, a nation took shape, and what Gandhi told Wavell became a reality.

    Something similar repeated in United States recently when thousands of legal immigrants were given a cold shoulder, despite of their merit based claim for an American Green Card. They decided to apply Gandhian way of peaceful protest by sending thousands of flower bouquets to USCIS, an American agency responsible for immigration and citizenship. Instead of offering an apology, USCIS chief decided to again ignore the immigrants and simply issued a statement that the flowers will be forwarded to the injured service members recuperating at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Once again a bureaucrat miscalculated the power hidden behind a peaceful protest. Now the power behind flowers is becoming a media mainstream story. NY Times, Washington Post, Reuters, Yahoo News are a few to name. Bollywood, has recently issued a statement providing its full support to Immigration Voice, the non profit organization behind the flower campaign.

    An American way of fighting injustice "A law suit" is on its way, the usual rallies and demonstrations are about to begin. However, in America, its first time after Martin Luther King Jr., that someone has tried to apply Gandhi's way to fight injustice. It is yet not clear that what would be the outcome of this campaign, but there are rumours that USCIS is already discussing internally to reverse the discriminatory decision which resulted in this flower campaign causing enough embarrassement to them.

    Its amazing to witness that 60 years after Gandhi's demise, his ideology is still relevant. We are sure its gonna remain relevant till there are Lord Wavell's in this world. Wavell's can momentarily laugh thinking that unorganized immigrants are helpless, but when the peaceful protest will demonstrate its political power, they surely will realize what Gandhi and Gandhian ways are all about.

    This one was the best... Where did this come from??

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