Saturday, July 2, 2011

Images Of Spring

images Signs of Spring in the city of Images Of Spring. The signs of spring 660x431
  • The signs of spring 660x431

  • 485Question
    11-21 04:00 PM
    It was kind of a shock to me. I pray the god for the better, please consult more sources for any cure. I know one place in Karnataka, where my uncle got cured his cancer. I will try to get you the details ASAP.

    Let's pray.

    wallpaper The signs of spring 660x431 Images Of Spring. Inhabitat Spring Green Contest
  • Inhabitat Spring Green Contest

  • mrdelhiite
    09-14 10:14 AM
    July 3rd, 11:14AM signed by F Heinauer @ NSC
    Good luck to everyone.

    was it texas or NSC ?

    Images Of Spring. day of Spring
  • day of Spring

  • sathweb
    07-08 09:12 AM
    I definetly believe the captions we write are going to come in the news. So, writing good message will make it more memorable. We have to come up with many of such messages.

    How about this:

    "Respected senator,
    They say backlog elimination. We say a Measure to keep us out. Please check the facts and let UICIS hear what you say."

    2011 Inhabitat Spring Green Contest Images Of Spring. Signs of Spring: Snowdrops
  • Signs of Spring: Snowdrops

  • aquarianf
    04-24 11:29 AM
    Guyz, i met attorney. got copy of non compete agreement from a co-worker. I feel kind of releived after what he said.

    As per him, every non-compete agreement that is signed cannot be neccessarily enforced in the court of law. If the sole purpose is to avoid ordinary competition, it is unreasonable and unenforceable. If the agreement is ever challenged in court, the most important question, which will be posed from the Judge to the employer, is "What is the legitimate business purpose that is served by this non-compete agreement?"

    Now as h1b employees, as every one knows we r not the key personnel in the company. we do not carry with us any trade secrets or confidential information which might harm their business.

    AS per him the higher up the "food chain" an employee is at a company, the more willing courts are to enforce non-compete agreements. Upper level employees are typically exposed to more confidential, trade secret, strategic and other information that gives a company a competitive advantage in the market place. The lower down the food chain an employee is, the less likely a court is to enforce non-compete and non-solicitation terms.

    Also non competes always have to give some profits to the employee, say a paid vacation, bonus or somethign like that. An employer cannot
    just make the employee sign it to restrict him from making better living and not give anything in return....

    Seems like these things are favourable to all the h1b employees.
    If any employer is claiming non compete to hold the consultant to his company, then even he should not take employees from competetive companies..... But r they doing it???????? We all know the answer.... IT consulting businesses run like that.

    can you ask the attorney if he can work on contingency basis? Or did he gave any estimate of how much it may cost you if you have to face lawsiute or if you have to go to settlement route?


    Images Of Spring. bits: Colors of spring is from
  • bits: Colors of spring is from

  • seshuvaidehi
    09-20 11:01 AM
    Labor Certified in June 2006-India
    I-140 approved Dec 2006
    I-485 filed on July 23rd 2007 > Checks got cashed > Got Recipt:WAC ###
    EAD filed on July 23rd 2007 > Checks got cashed > Got Recipt:WAC ###
    AP filed on July 23rd 2007 > Checks got cashed > Got Recipt : WAC ###

    How do I check if EAD card has been ordered and/or AP approved?

    Your all are awesome and Thanks to Immigration Voice.

    Images Of Spring. Note: as of January 2006 the
  • Note: as of January 2006 the

  • gxr
    09-14 01:08 PM
    Filed on 07/02. (NSC)
    Received on 07/03
    Checks still not cashed.
    Called USCIS. Got receipt # 09/14 (LINxxxxxxx)


    Images Of Spring. Blue Days of Spring wallpaper
  • Blue Days of Spring wallpaper

  • titu1972
    08-07 01:52 PM
    My I-140 has approved by NSC in Apr 2006. Now I'm moved to Houston.
    Now I have applied my I-485 from Houston. My lawyer send my application to NSC. Since my current residence is in TSC region my application will be transfer to TSC. So I don't know how long it will take to get the receipt#.
    My application received on 07/02/2007 at NSC.

    2010 day of Spring Images Of Spring. Signs of Spring in the city of
  • Signs of Spring in the city of

  • amitjoey
    05-23 11:55 AM
    E-mails are good, but if you can fax them too:

    Fax numbers to key senators in DC offices:

    Clinton: 202-228-2082
    Schumer: 202-228-3027
    Lott: 202-224-2262
    Reid: 202-224-7327
    Cornyn: 202-228-2856
    Hagel: 202-224-5213
    Martinez: 202-228-5171
    McConnell: 202-224-2499
    Kennedy: 202-224-2417

    This is awesome, glus. Thanks again for putting these fax numbers together.


    Images Of Spring. Melody of Spring #2 Fecha:
  • Melody of Spring #2 Fecha:

  • narendery
    08-18 11:52 AM
    I received the below emails

    on 8/15 - Current Status: Card production ordered
    on 8/16 - Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident. On August 16, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before you get your new card call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

    What is the Audit processing ?

    hair Signs of Spring: Snowdrops Images Of Spring. the rite of spring
  • the rite of spring

  • diptam
    07-06 12:53 PM
    Did you read this post ?

    Folks, I am preparing a draft of the letter to be sent to the media. Any suggestions for points to be included are welcome!

    I plan to include some information about the immigration system, details about the fiasco, how it impacted us, what our flowers are meant for.


    Images Of Spring. Emergence of Spring by
  • Emergence of Spring by

  • justice4all
    11-18 12:56 PM

    Senator Tom Coburn
    Senator Inhofe
    Representative Cole

    hot bits: Colors of spring is from Images Of Spring. showing signs of Spring,
  • showing signs of Spring,

  • saptaswara
    05-09 10:13 PM
    The views expressed in the context of sending grammatically correct letters is appreciated. As such, it would make sense if we can send the same letter, which would not only emphasize the same point but would be grammatically correct as well :)

    Sending poorly drafted letters may not speak well of our community please




    house Signs of spring are everywhere Images Of Spring. Freshness of Spring
  • Freshness of Spring

  • kshitijnt
    07-09 02:48 PM
    I am in a similar position but working on 3 months contract through a consulting company on w2. It is similar to my 485 job details, but it is a short term project.

    Would I get an RFE if I work on contract on W2?

    In my personal opinion, you should look out for permanent offers. I tend to prefer 1099 contracts as opposed to W-2 because 1099s tend to make stronger case for self employment.

    tattoo Note: as of January 2006 the Images Of Spring. Picture of Spring - Free
  • Picture of Spring - Free

  • gxtrader
    09-06 03:24 PM
    My Aug 1 filer friend got his already....

    ....Aug '06 that is ;)


    pictures Blue Days of Spring wallpaper Images Of Spring. After a week of spring
  • After a week of spring

  • rameshvaid
    11-19 01:52 PM
    Seems like they have or are going to block all mass e-mails in future..

    Pappu: I did leave messages for Immigration Aide @ Senator Brown and Senator Voinovich office and have not heard back from them.. Will update once hear back from them.. Seems they all are already in holiday mode..

    Thank you for contacting my office. I genuinely appreciate your e-mail and thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. As with all communications with my office, your views have been recorded.

    Every day, I hear from the people of Ohio through their phone calls, letters and faxes to my office. As you can imagine, I also receive a significant number of e-mails daily. Mass-generated e-mails sent by a third-party group, which are usually form text, have hindered my ability to respond to the e-mails, phone calls, letters and faxes that I receive. Due to the increasing number of mass-generated e-mails received by my office, effective March 16, 2007, my office will be implementing changes to the constituent correspondence process.

    Consequently, I have established a new system on my website to better serve Ohio constituents. If you would like a written response to your e-mail, please go to .: United States Senator George Voinovich :: Home :. ( and click on the CONTACT tab to fill out the web CONTACT FORM. By filling out this form, you will receive a written response from my office.

    Thank you for your patience. Should you experience any problems with my web CONTACT FORM, please call my office at 202-224-3353 and my staff will be happy to guide you through the electronic correspondence process.


    George V. Voinovich
    United States Senator

    dresses showing signs of Spring, Images Of Spring. Sounds of Spring
  • Sounds of Spring

  • dtekkedil
    07-06 04:50 PM
    Does IV Core have a say on sending flowers??

    how about sending it to Michael Chertoff and Condelezza Rice??

    IV core cannot "officially" endorse this... We are on our own.

    As for sending flowers to Chertoff or Rice - It is good but let us stick with one person for now (Emilio). Unless you are willing to send to all three :). It will seem like there is more unity amongst us if we send more "number" of flowers.


    makeup Melody of Spring #2 Fecha: Images Of Spring. Signs of spring are everywhere
  • Signs of spring are everywhere

  • NKR
    04-24 08:11 AM
    What wrong he did? Nothing illegal but certainly not the best practise. Atleast he has been insensitive to his former employer.

    You have got all things reversed.

    Most of the H1B guys have families, they have kids that they need to support, most of them are single income families because of green card delays and we need money to visit our home countries atleast once every 3 years when each ticket cost 1.5K $ and this employer keeps 4k which is not his, so who is insensitive and whose practice is best?.

    Most consulting companies run by desis who do not want the company to grow big. They want to keep it small by hiring a handful of H1B guys and keep sc****ng them..

    It has to be a win-win situation for both, especially when the employee finds his own project and has been doing a bit for the company, this needs to be reciprocated. If someone opens a company he cannot expect somebody to be working for him for-ever. If the employee wants to leave him after a couple of years, making his exit difficult is unprofessional, unethical and downright cheap.

    girlfriend Picture of Spring - Free Images Of Spring. The exact timing of spring
  • The exact timing of spring

  • franklin
    07-10 03:42 AM
    nobody has talked about a rally in LA... maybe infront of the Federal building in Westwood... I can initiate if I have couple of more volunteers to help me. If we have this rally on July 28, we will have ample time to arrange for people, etc...

    I suggest you join the SoCal state chapter, they seem to be interested in doing something as well

    hairstyles Emergence of Spring by Images Of Spring. If any of you want to see the
  • If any of you want to see the

  • smarth
    09-22 09:55 AM
    I-485 application sent on Aug 9th. Checks got enchased on 09/19.

    03-07 02:05 PM
    Hey UN, with your experience, are you seeing a pattern of denials, etc happening to non bodyshopper, non consultants as well? as in, is this whole DOL/USCIS crack down across the board or is it mostly restricted to desi consultants/bodyshopers?

    06-08 04:21 PM
    I am waiting for the check image to laod. will take an hour or so.
    It will start with LIN-07-177-5XXXX. It will be SRC if it is Texas.

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