Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System

images solar system Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. -Programs-Solar-System.jpg
  • -Programs-Solar-System.jpg

  • gcsomeday
    06-26 06:13 PM
    record conversatios with these jack ass employers. It is surprising how much crap and illegal things they tell and do during negotiations. Not sure about the legality, would not harm if you dont use it. We keep seeing news on people getting screwed and then when outed the victim is not usually screwed by the system again.

    Also, I wonder if any employment contract not tied to any reasonable time estimate( like 485 - who knows when we will get it) will hold.Its akin to slavery.

    wallpaper -Programs-Solar-System.jpg Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. our solar system#39;s planets
  • our solar system#39;s planets

  • kondur_007
    07-26 05:49 PM
    There is not much use for just fighting EB3-I. You can send a letter or lobbey and they will hear it. Thats all. There are so much discrepancies in immigration policy of USA(The impact is for just for potential immigrants not for the country) I do not think they will spend time to resolve each and every small discrepancy. There are more more severe issues in the country than resolving EB3-I. Of course that is a big issue for those who are impacted.

    But the problem will be automatically resolved if STEM/and or Recapture bill is passed. That is a big picture and that will get more attention than just lobbying for EB3-I.

    I agree. If "vertical spillover" occurs again, the only benefit would go to EB3-ROW.

    It is very very difficult to convince anyone to overflow EB2 ROW -> EB3 ROW -> EB3 I (leaving EB2 I out of loop). (eventhough USCIS did it in past)

    If someone tries to re-interprete, it will end up like:EB2 ROW -> EB3 ROW -> EB2I -> EB3 I, still no real benefit to EB3 I; only EB2 I will loose with some benefit to EB3 ROW.

    Bottom line is, we need more visa numbers and that's what we need to campaign for. May it be recapture, or STEM exemption or anything else.

    I am not saying this just because I am EB2, but these are the facts. Additionally, there is a big chance of new immigration law as soon as new president comes (likely some form of CIR) and we need to be prepared to have our agenda included in that; rather than splitting ourselves.

    Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. the solar system they say,
  • the solar system they say,

  • anotheroneonqueue
    08-26 05:14 PM
    Following is my observation from my last H1B extension from Vermont.

    You should be concerned if the extension is not approved before the expiry of the current H1B/I-94. Even if you apply months in advance, USCIS won't approve it till you are near your "old I-94" expiry date.

    My H1B has already expired. My only proof of H1B is the receipt of H1B renewal application.

    2011 our solar system#39;s planets Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. solar system planets applying
  • solar system planets applying

  • akhilmahajan
    02-09 11:24 AM
    Hello Everyone,

    Last year we ran a High Five Campaign and collected $4883 over a period of 4 months. It was a disappointment.

    Now as we know the environment is very volatile and lot of things are going against LEGAL Immigrants i.e US (TARP Employer H-1B Restriction Bill (Sanders Bill)), i will like to request everyone to contribute as much as they can. I will like you to contribute a minimum of $20 dollars.

    ALL you need to do is write out a $20 cheque and send it to IV on the address listed.

    The address to mail the checks to is:

    Immigration Voice
    3561 Homestead Road #375
    Santa Clara, CA 95051-5161

    This address can also be found at:

    Please make sure you send in a cheque ONLY or do a bill pay so that no paypal/google checkout fees apply and all of the $20 ACTUALLY goes to IV.

    Folks, we are facing historical hard times. Lets make a small donation to keep IV fighting for our cause. IV appreciates Monthly Subscriptions and that is the best thing to do. But these small campaigns/donations will also help IV. I hope you all agree with me and will support the effort.


    Folks who have contributed so far:-
    AkhilMahajan, GCCovet, hrushi_j, Snathan, Mightykandy, MHKumar, sanjay, mmanurker, ita, kate123, chantu, rvurady14, jelo, WaitingForMyGC, pachaik, vineet, Rajeev, coolpal, pcs, nousername


    Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. Planets, Solar System.
  • Planets, Solar System.

  • purplehazea
    05-05 03:26 PM
    What drives the decision for a bill to be considered in Congress/Senate? WHY can't we pitch SKIL or TALENT Bills as a means to separate legal immigration from the ongoing CIR debate?

    If politicians are introducing these bills, they should be willing to back them up separtely instead of saying that these come into picture only if CIR fails. Or is the introduction of other bills a sign of CIR's imminent failure? Since the top IV team has the visibility with politicians, this hypocrisy should be resolvable. Please tell us why these bills cannot be taken up while CIR is pending? Isn't that what the lobbying company is supposed to help us with?

    Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. the solar system - 640x480
  • the solar system - 640x480

  • malibuguy007
    02-25 07:36 PM
    $1890 - who is the one to get us in into 2000?


    Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. the solar system evolved.
  • the solar system evolved.

  • Sachin_Stock
    09-23 02:15 PM
    "EB-2 India. This category is expected to remain unchanged or to move very slowly forward (by a week or so) in the short-term. This is mainly caused by the fact that many EB-3 India applicants (there are approximately 60,000 EB-3 India pending cases) are �porting� their priority dates into the EB-2 India category and are thus taking visa numbers.

    EB2 India is slowwly becoming EB3 as thousands are porting from EB3 to EB2. Some of them are really worthy of EB2 and some of them are fradulent.

    EB2 India applicants should wake up from their celebratio of a few months leap and get ready for slow movement or retro.

    Guys wake up and fight to make the porting rules veryu strong if not stop porting. The rule should be if I140 for porting is denied then the applicatnt should loose his/her initial EB3 priority date also as he /she has indicated that he/she is no longer working in the position as described in EB3 labor. This will make sure that fradulent applicants cannot port from EB3 to EB2.

    P.S: I know I will get thousands of REDs. I do not care... EB2 I guys wake up.. Time is running out.. EB2 I will very quickly become same as EB3I.

    If portings from Eb3 to Eb2 are legit, and you still consider that to be fraud, then everybody's Eb-2 applications (resulting from with or without porting) are potential frauds.

    Thats a ridiculous assumption!

    2010 the solar system they say, Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. solar system
  • solar system

  • jk999
    08-18 02:40 PM
    How do you know that people with more recent priority dates are getting approved and you have been left out? You know this because these members of IV share this info with you and you are talking about using this info against them.

    I won't be surprised if this will discourage people to just silently leave the forum after getting approvals.


    Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. Lisa\\#39;s age on other planets.
  • Lisa\\#39;s age on other planets.

  • mnq1979
    09-22 11:23 PM
    I am happy to announce that I have received the EAD cards today (just like rc0878 had suggested). I should not have doubted the encouragement and estimation of the experience here.
    So, I received the EAD cards dated Sept 18th, expiry is one year from the issue date i.e. Sept 17th, 2008 (unlike someone else's cards which were valid for only 3 months).
    Let me know if someone wants to ask any other information.
    thanks again. :D

    I belive my situation is the same as urs....i received mine and my wife I-485 receipts in mail but nothing related to EAD. My case is also transferred to TSC from California on Sep. 17 as my I140 is approved from TSC.
    I want to ask u that how long did it take u to get ur EAD card after u received ur I485 receipt and from where ur EAD was issued, is it from CSC or TSC.
    Did u received any receipt of EAD or u jst got the EAD directly.

    Pls. advise. thanx

    hair solar system planets applying Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. Solar System Update sample
  • Solar System Update sample

  • GCStatus
    09-15 10:16 AM
    For those who doubt that a definitive initiative is needed for the Legal immigrant community, may I humbly remind them of the most basic and the most important phrase of the US Constitution..."Every human being has the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness". What has been happening with all this memos and counter-memos and visa bulletins from the USCIS and the DOS is a denial of our basic human rights...first as Human beings and then as Legal Immigrants. Friends we can possibly build a strong case based on the informed readings of the US Constitution and Law. We have done nothing wrong to get such treatment buy these departments. We have followed every law and requirement that the US Immigration Law has prescribed but because of the sheer number of immigrants from India and China we are being disadvantaged and discriminated by the US Congress, certain laws and by these departments. It is not a legal immigrants fault that the US Law does not limit the F1 visas issued in a year by country and the number of jobs applied under H1b program by country. The endless delays in the GC process clearly disadvantages the legal immigrant community from large countries like India and China compared with legal immigrants from other countries and even US citizens. They clearly cannot pursue their dreams of prosperity, career advancement, security (for himself and family via education, jobs and homes) and overall happiness. Justice delayed is nearly always denied.

    An Immigration Attorney and Constitutional Lawyer can build a clear case for us. For reference on human rights, please follow these links:,_liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_happiness

    Good one Sandy


    Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. in the Solar System
  • in the Solar System

  • zoooom
    07-20 12:02 PM
    Thanks Zooom, for starting this thread. I've mentioned about IV Core's selfless service in our 'Thanks' thread couple of days ago but didn't know about the magnitude. $64k is helluva money and its just not right coming from one pocket to favor thousands of others. Aman and other core, day by day you raise above and beyond our imaginations as a leader and guide. We assure you that you will not pay another single dime from your pocket.

    I pledge $100 to Reimburse the core team now and more later.
    And I am sure with the kind of response we have been getting it won't be hard to raise a significant amount....

    hot Planets, Solar System. Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. Solar System objects now
  • Solar System objects now

  • desi3933
    06-26 10:06 AM
    The way i understand this, not all companies are bound by the EOE laws.
    Certain conditions have to be met to be considered an EOE.

    Not every employer is an equal opp employer, so those guys can hire whoever they want.
    Besides hiring folks on h1b, etc could add to costs for employers. So they choose not to employ such folks.

    >> not all companies are bound by the EOE laws.

    All US Employers (that have 15 or more employees) must follow labor laws. EOE applies to all of them.

    Read more for yourself
    Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination: Questions And Answers (

    However, this is for lawful authorized workers only. In other words, one can not force employer to file for H-1B or any other work visa. At the end of H-1B petition date, employer can not be asked to extend H-1B. That is employer's choice.

    But, once hired, H-1B employee can not be discriminated with other workers for equal opportunities in training, job promotions, and work conditions.

    Not a legal advice.
    US citizen of Indian origin


    house Distances of planets from the Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. Our solar system exists of the
  • Our solar system exists of the

  • Mahatma
    12-20 03:07 PM
    here's my list. would love to hear others.

    1. listen to music.
    e.g. kishore songs.
    sing !

    2. read a good book.
    e.g. Emerson essay on compensation.
    "For everything you have missed you have gained something else."
    i think it's a very powerful essay for life.

    3. go to the gym. workout. jog. lift weights. play a game.
    table tennis really helps.
    resolve to be your fittest.
    adversity must make us stronger, not weaker.

    4. travel internationally
    take a trip to some country you've never gone to before.
    observe people's olympic struggles.
    it's part of the human experience.

    5. learn a new skill
    something you've always wanted to do but did'nt get around to.
    public speaking, dancing, singing...your choice.
    take a class at a community college or a university.

    6. go to temple or church or mosque.
    make a deeper spiritual connection with God.
    let him lift some of your burden.
    i listened to Hari Om Sharan after many years and experienced a real sense of joy.

    7. spend time learning about US government.
    get to know more about how government works. why does house vote differently than the senate ?
    get to know the 100 senators and 435 house reps. especially how they stand on legal immigration.
    our friends on the other side of the fence have done us a favor by organizing this information
    just reverse the grades. consider approaching reps/senators with your situation.

    8. learn from IV efforts of previous years
    many skills were introduced which could have helped us. what can we learn from what failed ?
    e.g. comprehensive immigration bill 2006. it passed in the senate but stalled in the house.
    Gandhigiri did work this year. it was a major success story we should celebrate and learn from.

    9. accept and enjoy the present.
    accept the present moment. breathe.
    enjoy nature - the sun, the moon, the heavens, fresh air and water. make new associations and friends.
    experiencing these gifts of life is enough to keep one happy.

    10. write it out.
    record the feelings you are going through in writing.
    capture the details.
    what was your journey, your expectations, your highs and lows ?
    you may see your struggles in a different light 10 years from now.

    This is one of the other best response. Rational, suave and truthful!

    tattoo the solar system - 640x480 Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. our own solar system.
  • our own solar system.

  • vallabhu
    07-20 10:24 AM
    Great going guys. Keep it coming. Yes we can for sure extend this to Monday. The more the better.

    Can some one tell how to cancel 20$ subscription and start 50$ subscription.


    pictures the solar system evolved. Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. other planets in our Solar
  • other planets in our Solar

  • mmanurker
    02-09 02:03 PM
    Here is my $100 contribution
    Dt: 02/09/09
    Receipt ID: 5524-9117-6391-1389.

    dresses Solar System objects now Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. Our Solar System also includes
  • Our Solar System also includes

  • anil_gc
    08-09 10:37 AM
    Did you notice any change in the LUD of your pending or previously approved cases??

    No, I have not created an online account


    makeup Lisa\\#39;s age on other planets. Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. Distances of planets from the
  • Distances of planets from the

  • sam2006
    08-24 07:11 PM
    July 3rd R.Williams 7.44 AM NSC
    140 Approved TSC
    LUD 07-28
    No CC
    NO RN

    my guess: Look at TSC Processing dates

    girlfriend our own solar system. Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. Planets.png
  • Planets.png

  • krustycat
    10-01 01:41 PM
    I'm still waiting.
    Recd. by F. Heinauer at 11:07 AM on July 9... checks not cashed

    hairstyles in the Solar System Pictures Of Planets In The Solar System. Solar System class splash
  • Solar System class splash

  • Lasantha
    07-05 12:57 PM
    Yes, The word Gandhigiri is a combination of Gandhi - giri , the first is in reference to Mahatma Gandhi and giri is a slang for doing things in a certain way. Gandhigiri means protesting in a peacful way but in a way that embaresses the people being protested against.

    Thanks Crystal and nfinity for the explaination. Sounds like a great idea. Count me in.

    Roger Binny
    05-09 09:15 PM
    Yup, kshitijnt you are right on target, we need to do some thing constructive and let our voices heard.

    BECSufferer made it right your anger.

    My intention was more to think in right way and discourage potential -ve result bound strategies.

    During presidential campaign there were all over promises on clearing backlogs, we can go on that basis and make a point of that.

    One thing is clear if they like to stop outsourcing sure they have to encourage and stream line legal immigration they cannot stop or survive but cutting outsourcing as well leaving this legal immigration in limbo.

    Besides what we can do at this juncture, keep our voices heard by contacting, writing letters.

    1. In a world leading country processing a decade back applications is not an encouraging trend to legal immigration, this may send a wrong signal to legal immigration over illegal immigration.

    2. Can highlight ecomonic point based on these math...
    Ex: 500,000 EB backlog persons contribution to the country, social taxes = xxx, medicare = xxx, travel=xxx, housing =xxx.

    Will add more.....

    03-25 03:19 PM
    It will move in July for sure. It has to. I am guessing there will atleast 40k visas available for the last quarter.

    I am guessing it will move to Dec 2002. A bunch or guys will be happy with that move.

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